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At What Point in Life Can Someone Start Writing a Will by Law Offices of Robert E. O'Connor

It’s a common misconception that writing a will is only necessary for older adults and rich people. In reality, anyone over the age of 18 should consider making a will. This legal document provides peace of mind, ensuring your wishes are respected and protecting your loved ones financially after you pass away.

Why Every Adult Should Consider Writing a Will

Regardless of age or wealth, having a will in place is crucial, especially if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • Property ownership: If you own a home or high-value items, a will ensures these assets are distributed according to your preferences.
  • Becoming a parent: A will allows you to name guardians for your children if something happens to you and your spouse.
  • Owning a pet: If you have pets, you can include provisions for their care in your will, ensuring they are placed in loving homes if you unexpectedly pass away.
  • Unmarried partners: If you’re in a long-term relationship but are not legally married, a will ensures your partner inherits your assets, as they may not be entitled to anything under state law.
  • Complex family dynamics: Perhaps you want certain relatives to inherit your assets, but you prefer to leave others out of your will. Specifying beneficiaries is the only way to ensure your wishes are met.
  • Military and high-risk jobs: Anyone in the military or a high-risk profession should have a will to provide clear instructions for their estate and care for their loved ones.
  • Charitable donations: If you wish to leave part of your estate to a charity, this must be specified in your will.

When to Update Your Estate Plan

Writing a will is not a one-time task. It’s important to review and update your will regularly, especially after major life events. Here are some examples of when to consider updating your will:

  • Marriage or divorce: Changes in marital status impact your estate plan. Update your will to reflect these changes.
  • Birth of a child: Adding a new family member is a crucial time to update your will. This is your chance to name guardians and provide for your kids’ financial futures.
  • Significant financial changes: Update your will to reflect your current financial situation, whether you’ve gained or lost assets.
  • Changes in relationships: If you are no longer friends with one of your beneficiaries or executors, revise your will to reflect these new dynamics.
  • Death of a beneficiary or executor: If someone named in your will passes away, you’ll need to make changes for your wishes to still be carried out.

Get Help Writing a Legal Will

Writing a last will and testament is something every adult should think about. If you’re ready to draft or modify an estate planning document, turn to the Law Offices of Robert E. O’Connor, P.C. We have over 25 years of legal experience, making us well-equipped to help you secure your legacy. Contact us at (610) 566-1110 for a free consultation at our law office in Media, PA.